On 29 Sep 2019, at 12:37, Ramon F Herrera wrote:

I am vaguely familiar with Postfix. I am told that is as capable as ole' sendmail, and much easier to manage.

Any suggestions, tips about that upgrade are most welcome.

As someone who has worked with Sendmail from the dawn of v8 and with Postfix since v2.4, I must confess that on a standalone basis, in theory, Sendmail has greater flexibility and can, as a matter of provable computer science, do things Postfix cannot. However, the overwhelming bulk of the functional space where Sendmail stands alone would normally be things no one really wants to do or should do. That is the product and the price of using a NP-complete programming language for sendmail.cf. As a practical matter, the fact that Postfix has a robust set of interfaces for external tools (including Milter software) means that there's no real difference in capabilities. When I have a choice, I use Postfix.

The first thing to understand about Postfix is that Postfix is not one program, it is a suite of closely interdependent programs that handle distinct aspects of the mail acceptance and delivery process. Its components and configuration parameters are meticulously documented with man pages and a collection of about a dozen "readme" files. There's no ultra-compact programming language composed almost entirely of punctuation that nothing else in the world uses, so your skill of hand-editing sendmail.cf will not help you with Postfix. There is an extremely helpful, well-focused, and civil Postfix Users mailing list where the primary author, the most active contributor to the code, and the authors of the two comprehensive books on Postfix are active.

In doing the upgrade, you should start by making sure that you have a solid understanding of what your Sendmail configuration is. For most people, that is well-defined in a sendmail.mc that they use to build sendmail.cf, but since you've written about direct sendmail.cf modification, you may have a bit more work nailing down what exactly you're doing with Sendmail so that you can find the Postfix analogs. Beyond translating configuration, there's one important part of Postfix that has no Sendmail equivalent: the postscreen front-line SMTP screener program. Postscreen implements a greeting pause, weighted parallel DNSBL checking, and optionally a few other spambot-detection tactics. Because it is a unique tool, some distributions do not enable it by default. Make sure you have it set up, because it is an extremely effective and lightweight tool.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)

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