On 10/4/19 5:41 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
there is nothing ill advised because otherwise you have no way to see the original address of the sender

There is nothing ill advised about having the information. There is unfortunately a potential gotcha if the information is formatted as "<u...@example.com>" inside of the friendly name / double quoted.

The problem comes from over zealous DMARC implementations that look inside the friendly name / double quoted portion in addition to the actual email address.

I recommend that people format the information differently so that it does not appear as an actual email address to such questionable DMARC implementations. E.g. "user at example.com".

Thus the information is there for the end user to utilize with much less risk of running afoul of over zealous DMARC implementations. Implementations which, as I understand it, go against the DMARC standard.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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