Are you using or able to use 3.4.3-rc6 because there is a new feature
for this that you can implement called subjprefix that can mark external
emails with External in the subject.  Depends on your usage.

On 11/21/2019 1:24 PM, Dave Goodrich wrote:
> Good day,
> I know I will incur some wrath for this but I have the Mayor breathing down 
> my neck. We stop nearly all spam now, but some does get through. Mostly it 
> has been mail from gmail and outlook servers that pass DKIM and SPF.
> This morning a large number of messages appearing to come from the Mayor were 
> delivered. The email is technically legitimate and was scored appropriately. 
> Unfortunately, the From address was in the following format 'the Mayor's 
> display name <>'. So, everyone who saw the message 
> opened it because it looked like it came from the Mayor. then they called the 
> Mayor's office.
> - The message was benign.
> - The users know to hover over display names to check the address, but this 
> was the Mayor. They did not.
> - All mail delivered locally comes through our server. No one is allowed to 
> use their City email address on none City devices. Had the address been 
> correct, it would have been stopped.
> Even if only for this one account, I need a rule to check that the Mayor's 
> display name matches the Mayor's email account and I am at a loss how to 
> manage that with SA rule structure.
> Any thoughts on that or has anyone done something similar?
> DAve
> --
> Dave Goodrich
> Information Technology
> City of Greenfield, Indiana 
> 317-477-4309

Kevin A. McGrail

Member, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project - 703.798.0171

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