On Fri, 2019-11-22 at 13:01 +0000, RW wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Nov 2019 00:00:53 +0000
> Martin Gregorie wrote:
> > describe SPOOFED_MAYOR Check for spoofed mail from the Mayor
> > header   __SM1         From:name =~ /^John M Mayor$/
> > header   __SM2         From:addr =~ /^john\@cityhall\.com$/
> > meta     SPOOFED_MAYOR (__SM1 && ! __SM2) || ! _SM1
> > score    SPOOFED_MAYOR 5.0
> > 
> ..
> > The final " || ! __SM1" meta term is only needed if
> > you want to ensure that the name part must also be an exact match,
> > i.e. you assume that the user will notice that the sender name isn't
> > quite right, but a careful rule writer would not rely on that, hence
> > its inclusion.
> I don't understand what you were aiming for here, but '|| ! _SM1'
> means that the rule will hit *anything* that doesn't match __SM1,
> which is almost everything.
Quite. The original rule detected spoofs marked by having a correct
From:name part and an incorrect From:addr part - which is what the OP
wanted. Then I thought it would be useful to try to validate the name
part as well, which is what I was trying to do. A decent sleep later,
and its obvious that doing this is complete BS: the only sensible form
of the rule uses this meta:

meta SPOOFED_MAYOR (__SM1 && !__SM2)

Doing anything apart from that would require a needlessly complex rule
(the OP's original message said that this spam was getting through
BECAUSE the From:name part was visually exactly what his mail recipients
were expecting to see.

Doing anything sensible beyond this probably requires a set of related
rules, ranging from a check on the Message-ID or initial MTA relay to
scanning the email body for signs of a spear phishing expedition etc.,
or even a dedicated plugin to do some sort of fuzzy match on acceptable
name parts, i.e. those using different charsets and/or glyphs but that
still look like the Mayor's name given a fairly quick glance.


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