You are correct that I had not moved my bayes db.  I have the bayes_toks file.  But as I expected, the log says:

        warn: bayes: cannot open bayes databases /root/.spamassassin/bayes_* R/O: tie failed:

Googling this, I'm pretty sure this means that I have a db version mismatch.  I was originally on a Windows system (using JAM Software version of SA).  I'm now on Linux with SA 3.4.2. Apparently there are some tools to convert the database version. But they all assume I know what version the original database is. No clue.  It's a binary file.  How do I figure out the version of the old bayes_toks file?  And the wiki DbDumpAndLoad page references tools like db4.1_dump but doesn't have a download link.  The only download link on that page is to a text dump tool:  But that link is dead.  Any idea where these dump/load tools can be downloaded?

Thanks for any assistance/direction.


On 11/22/2019 2:44 AM, hg user wrote:
>> I recently migrated SA to a new environment with a clean install.  I added the KAM rules and a short rules file of my own.  But I'm obviously missing some pretty basic rules that I believe I had in the old environment.

> or Bayes by the look of it.

Did you have bayes working on the old setup? Did you port the data files to the new environment? It seems that bayes is not used. Also network checks are not listed in the sample you posted.

If you still have access to the old setup, you can copy the .eml and run it on spamassassin manually, with debug active:

spamassassin -t <file> 2>debug.log

Do the same on the new server and check the differences in the logs.

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