> On Thu, 2019-11-28 at 11:56 -0500, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:
>> I want to be able to reprocess a particular email, marked as SPAM,
>> after making some SA tweaks.   
> I do something similar with with collection of test messages, mostly
> received spam, that I use to test my local SA rule set.
> Essentially, all I do is:
> 1) remove all headers starting with 'X-Spam', otherwise the X-Spam
>    headers injected when the piece if spam was received will still be
>    there after I've run the test. This is confusing rather than harmful,
>    but the cleaner is just a script using awk. See below.
> 2) pass the message through spamd by running:
>       spamc --max-size=2000000 <testmag.txt | less
>    and examine the result

Thanks. Helpful.   I did not test the cleaner as I had already, in effect, 
"sanitized" the message.

What I had hoped to do was allow this to flow though and be delivered to the 
end point, as if under normal circumstances.

joe a. 


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