> On Thu, 2019-11-28 at 22:12 -0500, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:
>> I use fetchmail on a different box to pull mail from several
>> accounts at an ISP and send those messages to the SA/postfix box.
> OK, more similar to my setup, then, than I'd guessed.
> FWIW I used to use fetchmail, but found bugs, such as periodically
> having to delete old messages from the ISP mailbox which fetchmail had
> failed to delete. So, I switched to getmail and these problems went
> away. Getmail worked just fine using the MDA script I wrote for
> fetchmail and its configuration file is similar to the fetchmail one.
>> /usr/bin/spamc -s 750000 < test.txt | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i "$@"
> Good. I'm pleased that works for you.
> Martin

I basically just copied that line from master.cf and altered it to eliminate
some things it complained about.  Not perfect, as the "From" in the 
resultant message is enclosed in "<>", and the log complains about 
unknown user (running as), but I can look into that.

I noticed that fetchmail behavior as well, in earlier versions.
Since I am now  a few revisions behind, not only with fetchmail, I may give
getmail a look.


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