I have a solution with ClamAV for any image that is "not allowed". I my case i 
create  a md5sum from images i don't want to receive and but them into hashtable.
This Hashtable place into /var/lib/clamav/NAME.hsb

/var/lib/clamav/NAME.hsb looks like:
hash:size:"VIRUS name"

so any new mail with this attachment get treated as virus

if you want to set score to this image you need this:

in /etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user

@virus_name_to_spam_score_maps =
  (new_RE(  # the order matters!
    [ qr'BitcoinImage.UNOFFICIAL' => 999],

service amavis restart


Am 10.12.19 um 19:03 schrieb Joseph Brennan:
A user here reported a new twist on the bitcoin ransom mail. New to me,

From: Casper Mitten <rwbcaprice...@outlook.com>
Sent: Monday, December 9, 2019 10:00 PM

The Subject was a single word, supposedly a password.
The message was a jpg picture of text.
Although it was in English, many vowels were accented special characters.
The recipient was expected to scan a QR code in the picture to get the
bitcoin string!

I'm sending this purely for information. The user's report (as usual) does
not include headers so I don't know what scored. It must have hit a rule
for a message with no text and an image. There isn't much else there.

Philipp Ewald

DigiOnline GmbH, Probsteigasse 15 - 19, 50670 Köln
Telefon: +49 221 6500-532, Fax: +49 221 6500-690, E-Mail: 

AG Köln HRB 27711, St.-Nr. 5215 5811 0640
Geschäftsführer: Werner Grafenhain

Informationen zum Datenschutz: www.digionline.de/ds

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