John Hardin wrote:
On Thu, 19 Dec 2019, Philipp Ewald wrote:

I have a solution with ClamAV for any image that is "not allowed". I my case i create  a md5sum from images i don't want to receive and but them into hashtable.
This Hashtable place into /var/lib/clamav/NAME.hsb

/var/lib/clamav/NAME.hsb looks like:
hash:size:"VIRUS name"

so any new mail with this attachment get treated as virus

To a degree that's just whack-a-mole. It would not be excessively difficult to make minor alterations to the image sufficient to change the hash without noticeably changing it visually.

It might be prohibitive to do that per-message, but sending a batch of a hundred messages while you're modifying the image for the next batch would probably work.

The ones I've seen are unique per recipient (recipient-specific past password extracted from some data breach, the phrasing of the text in the image, and probably the QR codes as well - the couple I've inspected closely all had different QR codes), and I don't think I've had anyone report more than two, *maybe* three.

Someone in the spam-sending community is probably making a nice little Christmas bonus by selling a widget to generate the images...

However, the first ~4K of the samples I've had reported are similar enough for a pattern signature suitable for a scored Clam instance.

I created a signature using a crude tool I wrote a while ago to take a set of similar files and spit out a pattern signature for a .ndb signature file. It essentially runs sigtool --hex-dump on each file, and then compares the hex values in matching positions.


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