On Thu, 2020-04-09 at 10:47 -0400, Rick Cooper wrote:
>  I wrote my own plugin  for that but I don't score very high anymore because
> of things likes this:
> (obviously Mr Bill is not real but the netsuite address is)
> From: "Mr Bill (mb...@legitemail.com)" <sys...@sent-via.netsuite.com>
> I find more and more companies, I believe intuit is doing something like
> that, that do this.

This is actually a common, legitimate technique for dealing with DMARC
mitigation issues on mailing lists and mail redirections. I don't know
if SA has the ability to fully parse an email address based on RFC-2822 
criteria, but this would be what's necessary.

GNU Mailman uses a From address rewrite of this sort when the sending
poster to a list has an email address for which the domain DMARC policy
is "reject". I've re-written the Mailman code (Python) for use with
email redirection via the Courier MTA. The Mailman code substitutes the
word "at" in the comment field for the ampersand to avoid this sort of
problem, but other implementation may not.

Lindsay Haisley       | "The world is full of monsters with friendly
FMP Computer Services |   faces and angels with scars."
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