On Thu, 2020-04-09 at 10:02 -0600, Grant Taylor wrote:
> Please elaborate 
> on what else SpamAssassin needs to know about and do.

I don't know. I'm no SA expert, but I've worked with DMARC mitigation
code and would assume that a RFC-2822 compliant understanding of the
>From address would be the first step.

> I also quite frequently see "name via <list>".  But sadly that doesn't 
> give the email address information.

Mailman's DMARC mitigation code uses something very similar to "name at
domain via" <list@listdomain> which retains all the information from
the original From address while providing a functional From address
using a domain name which passes SPF, a sufficient condition for
passing DMARC.

Lindsay Haisley       | "The world is full of monsters with friendly
FMP Computer Services |   faces and angels with scars."
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