
Syncing weekly_mass_check
check: dns_block_rule URIBL_BLOCKED hit, 
creating/home/jarif/.spamassassin/ (This means dnsbl blocked you 
due to too many queries. Set all affected rules score to 0, or use 
"dns_query_restriction deny" to disable queries)
 12:34:19 up  1:34,  0 users,  load average: 32.21, 32.29, 32.17
rsync -Pcqz  ham-net-jarif.log spam-net-jarif.log*munged*/
 12:34:43 up  1:34,  0 users,  load average: 21.57, 29.78, 31.34


br. jarif

On 2.5.2020 13.25, Jari Fredriksson wrote:
I have too had a problem of this in my masscheck box. It is a cloud VM in Google Cloud and they do like to provide a /etc/resolv.conf for their own DNS which has been next to impossible to overcome. I do replace it in the beginning of my masscheck process with my own but to no avail.

I now figured out I can add this to and going to see how it works.

spam@gauntlet ~ $ grep dns gcloud/
    echo "dns_server" >> spamassassin/user_prefs

br. jarif

On 30.4.2020 22.28, Richard Doyle wrote:
First result on Google:

Short version: URIBL will block you if you use any of the big DNS
providers, such as

On 4/30/20 11:59 AM, Tom Williams wrote:
Hi!  I'm new to this mailing list, but not new to SpamAssassin. I've
used it on and off for a number years.  :)   Recently, (within the past
6 months or so) I enabled it for email in a shared web hosting
environment (we host with InMotionHosting). Anyway, due to the volume of
email traffic the server receives, I see a *lot* of 'URIBL_BLOCKED'
entries in the SpamAssassin header injected in the headers of incoming
mail.   If our server can't use URIBL to check mail, will that have an
adverse or negative impact on SpamAssassin's ability to detect/identify
spam?  Our host is running SpamAssassin 3.0 (shudders, I know it's

Thanks in advance!


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