Henrik K wrote:
> On Tue, May 05, 2020 at 12:51:36PM -0400, Rick Cooper wrote:
>> We received a couple emails yesterday that barely got caught  and
>> when I looked at them they should have hit big time. As I looked it
>> would appear the body parts are encoded quoted-printable utf-7.
>> Apparently SA doesn't handle utf-7? 
>> I added $self->{'decoded'} = Encode::decode("UTF-7",
>> $self->{'decoded'}); just before the decoded body is returned  in
>> Node.pm and the body rules hit again including some quick tests I
>> put together. 
>> Is ignoring utf-7 intentional or is this a new spammer tactic? The
>> actual email messages are rendered perfectly through outlook and our
>> webmail application.
> If I remember right, normalize_charset 1 will handle this just fine.
> Atleast in trunk/4.0.
> In any case, UTF-7 mails can be blocked on sight, no one uses it
> legimately..

Bingo, that does it, And yes I added a check for utf-7 to exim and add a
header that causes emails to be quarantined and marked so users cannot
releaseor view them on their own.



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