Um, you are a little information deprived. There are several videos out there of BLM organizers stating how proud they are of being well trained Marxist agitators. Ditto for Antifa and similar organizations. Wake up and smell the manure lest you find yourself swimming in it.

And if you REALLY want a hair raising read dig around for a copy of William Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich." Then tell me there is no resemblance at all between that and current events.

This is an attempt to control how you think by erasing useful and accurate vocabulary. (It also ignores the detail that the "Owner/Slave" relationship between human beings exists today and is fully legal in some countries (Mauritania) and illegal but not prosecuted in others (Saudi Arabia and others). BLM is closer to Black Lives Mangled as I see it.)


On 20200710 10:11:41, Axb wrote:
Not sure if this is sarcasm or not... but just in case:
Whoever may be the Marxist/Socialists, the're definitely not in the US... Assuming you never lived under such a government you're just talking thru your hat.

and now lets put this offtopic blah to rest.

On 7/10/20 7:07 PM, Eric Broch wrote:

This is not about racism this is about a Marxist (Socialist) takeover. They don't care if you use the terms whitelist or blacklist, this is a revolution.

Soon, it will be as in Dr. Zhivago. You'll come home being dispossessed of your house and belongings under the supervision of the state, already going on as BLM freely loots and pillages.

The "Useful Idiots" (not trying to be offensive, Kevin, but get a grip) don't know that after the reorganization is done, their heads will be on the chopping block as well...all planned in advance.

These are sad days, woe is me if I don't speak out.

On 7/10/2020 8:14 AM, Ralph Seichter wrote:
..., but "Newspeak" is not the solution.

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