On 10/07/20 22:51, Charles Sprickman wrote:

That’s unrealistic. Many ISPs these days that aren’t the “big boys” with 
dedicated staff for every facet of ISP operations, they are one and two man 
shops running WISPs in rural areas or developing countries. It’s not the 90’s 
anymore. It’s a terrible default, even home users should have to take an effort 
to enable a commercial service.
I'm not going to make comments about running an ISP without a basic knowledge of email/hosting/networking
And spamhaus should just replace the sales pitch email with instructions on how 
to comment their stuff out if they don’t want small ISPs (a small business, 
actually!) to use it. :)

Excuse me but isn't it at least "fair" that, if you use a service provided by others for commercial purposes, you pay for that service that contributes to your income?

And I don't know where you got a quote of "hundreds of dollars per month" for 1000 mailboxes, but it's not really the case if you use DQS.

Best regards,
Riccardo Alfieri

Spamhaus Technology

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