i might try this docker-mailserver docker project

On 11/07/2020 20:50, Benny Pedersen wrote:
Matthew Broadhead skrev den 2020-07-11 19:15:
because my box is centos 7 i think i am going to grab an old box and
stick centos 8 on there and start from scratch with a small domain.

precompiled problems is not my cop of tea

like postfix, dovecot (full text search), fuglu (spamassassim, clamav,
dkim, spf, vacation) .


  would be nice to build everything with docker
so that the configuration is easily reproducible and it is obvious
what has changed from base config.

try gentoo then

On 11/07/2020 11:21, Axb wrote:
fuglu is just glue between your MTA and SA, your AVs, etc, etc.

its more or less just how to configure it, if you like to share it, maybe its time for domain based bayes, not just global bayes, or pr user recipient, bayes should atleast support postfix virtual alias just like dovecot does, it would be usefull if it do that

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