On 16 Dec 2020, at 23:21, Loren Wilton <lwil...@earthlink.net> wrote:
I just got a batch of spams containing

<span style="display:none">

Such rules are there. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, lots of ham uses "invisible" text so it's not useful as a spam sign by itself and it's hard to come up with any useful combination rules.

I think I may have figured it out - tracking images. Like:

<img src="long unique tracking uri" width="0" height="0" border="0" style="visibility: hidden !important; display:none !important; max-height: 0; width: 0; line-height: 0; mso-hide: all;">

Note in your example the display:none is in a contained tag and not in an opening tag of a span. The tag is probably fairly long because the URL is probably huge, but it is still the one item that is hidden.

I put in a local rawbody rule for
   m'<span style="display:none">.{100,}(?:$|</span>)'is
and so far I haven't gotten any hits on ham.

Of course that is a pretty heavy rule, but it would seem to indicate that hidden spans may not be that common in ham.

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