On Mon, Jan 04, 2021 at 05:23:30PM -0800, John Hardin wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Jan 2021, Joey J wrote:
> > If I'm understanding things correctly, there is a way for me to BCC spam
> > messages which lets say score 10 and send a BCC to an email address, but
> > I'm trying to do it within only 1 rule, as well as modify the subject.
> >
> > What I don't want is a BCC sent for every messages which is scored a 10,
> > but only the specific rule.
> >
> > Is there a way for me to accomplish this set of actions?
> You can't BCC the message within SpamAssassin, as SA only scores messages. 
> The MTA or glue layer (what ties SA into your MTA) is what determines 
> *delivery* of the message based on SA's score.
> Potentially, your MTA or glue layer could be configured to look for a 
> specific scored rule name appearing in the header that lists rule hits and 
> if found deliver the message to another destination.
> But specifically how to do that depends on your MTA and/or your glue. What 
> are you using?
> I'm pretty sure SA only allows setting the subject tag by language, not 
> based on rule hits. You may beable to modify the subject in the MTA/glue 
> at the same point you do the extra delivery.
Starting from 3.4.3 you can add a prefix to the email subject like that:
header      FROM_ME From:name =~ /Me/
subjprefix  FROM_ME [From Me]


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