I'm trying to use a rule like this:

askdns   RBL_SENDGRID_ID _SENDGRIDID_.sendgrid-id.localhost A

where I have this in my db.local running bind9:

sendgrid-id     IN DNAME        sendgrid-id.LICENSEKEY.invaluement.com.

where LICENSEKEY is a valid license key.  I can query this on the command line:

% host 16582324.sendgrid-id.localhost
sendgrid-id.localhost has DNAME record sendgrid-id.LICENSEKEY.invaluement.com.
16582324.sendgrid-id.localhost is an alias for 
16582324.sendgrid-id.LICENSEKEY.invaluement.com has address

But the AskDNS plugin seems to see only the first alias response and
ignores the actual response.  The rule is never hit.  If I
put the license key in the cf file directly, it is (and the license
key gets added to the email headers which is what I am trying to
avoid by doing a DNAME record in my .localhost db.local!)

This technique of using a DNAME record works fine for milters.

Ultimately I want the spamassassin report in the headers but I don't
want the license key in there.

Is there some way to get this to work?

Not sure if this isn't actually a bug in AskDNS to be honest.

Michael Grant

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