On Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 03:53:33PM +0100, Giovanni Bechis wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 07:38:22AM -0500, Michael Grant wrote:
> > Ultimately I want the spamassassin report in the headers but I don't
> > want the license key in there.
> > 
> you can set 'tflags net nolog' if you are using trunk.
> Invaluement uri and license key will be printed as *redacted*.
>  Giovanni   

Hi Giovanni, unfortunately, this did not work either.

I just pulled from your repo to make sure I was on master.  I added
nolog, the pertinent lines look like this:

  askdns   RBL_SENDGRID_ID _SENDGRIDID_.sendgrid-id.MYLICENSE.invaluement.com A
  describe RBL_SENDGRID_ID Sendgrid Id blacklist
  tflags   RBL_SENDGRID_ID net nolog

  askdns   RBL_SENDGRID_DOM 
_SENDGRIDDOM_.sendgrid-efd.MYLICENSE.invaluement.com A
  describe RBL_SENDGRID_DOM Sendgrid domain blacklist
  tflags   RBL_SENDGRID_DOM net nolog

And this is what I see in the spamassassin report in the header:
        *  1.0 RBL_SENDGRID_ID ASKDNS: Sendgrid Id blacklist
        *      [16582324.sendgrid-id.MYLICENSE.invaluement.com A:]

Michael Grant

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