On Tuesday 20 April 2021 at 22:54:29, RW wrote:

> On Tue, 20 Apr 2021 10:21:57 -0600 Bob Proulx wrote:
> > Don Saklad wrote:
> > > How do you set nomail for the List?
> > 
> > To unsubscribe send an email message to this address.  Followed by a
> > pre-mangled address for the web archive readers that hide email
> > addresses.
> > 
> >     users-unsubscr...@spamassassin.apache.org
> I think the question was getting no mail without unsubscribing and
> losing the ability to post. This is useful if you read a list by other
> means, e.g. via NNTP.

I thought the question was for someone being away for some time and not 
wanting to build up list emails which wouldn't be replied to, and therefore 
probably also wouldn't be worth reading upon the return.

mailman supports this on its web interface; I can't see the equivalent 
function on what this list runs on.

Incidentally, I had no idea what "a pre-mangled address for the web archive 
readers" meant.


"Can you keep a secret?"
"Well, I shouldn't really tell you this, but... no."

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