On Tuesday 20 April 2021 at 23:27:14, Bob Proulx wrote:

> I was not aware that this mailing list requires one to be subscribed
> to post to it.  Does it?  It's not necessary on most technical mailing
> lists.

I would in fact say the exact opposite: most mailing lists do require 
subscription in order to post, primarily in order to reduce spam from random 

After all, if just anyone, without subscription, can post to a list, then it's 
open to the entire Internet, and then, as we all know, anarchy ensues...

At least if you have to subscribe first:

a) the subscription process itself is a barrier to bots

b) a list admin can block unwanted posters.


I know I always wanted to be somebody, but I guess I should have been more 

                                                   Please reply to the list;
                                                         please *don't* CC me.

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