>[@svr ~]# dig +short @ updates.spamassassin.org

it resolves, but it does not resolve to A record dig searches for by

6.4.3.updates.spamassassin.org. 3600 IN CNAME
3.3.3.updates.spamassassin.org. 3600 IN TXT     "1897787"

the "updates.spamassassin.org" itself has no data.

On 06.02.22 14:27, Marc wrote:
Oh ok, I did the dig because I got this

bash-5.1$ sa-update                                                             
'updates.spamassassin.org': could not find working mirror, channel failed

should be no big problem. if you really need, find the cron job and run it
again (you may need to run it under user it runs from cron)
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