I'm getting the following error when my update_rules script runs:

"my" variable $uri masks earlier declaration in same scope at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/LWP/UserAgent.pm line 783.

I think(?) this comes from this package:
❯ pkg info p5-libwww
Name           : p5-libwww
Version        : 6.63
Installed on   : Tue Apr 26 15:03:58 2022 CDT
Origin         : www/p5-libwww
Architecture   : FreeBSD:13:*
Prefix         : /usr/local
Categories     : devel perl5 www
Licenses       : ART10, GPLv1+
Maintainer     : sunp...@freebsd.org
WWW            : https://metacpan.org/release/libwww-perl
Comment        : Perl5 library for WWW access
Annotations    :
        build_timestamp: 2022-04-26T16:51:34+0000
        built_by       : poudriere-git-
        port_checkout_unclean: no
        port_git_hash  : 192ed4c74fe5
        ports_top_checkout_unclean: no
        ports_top_git_hash: 0f1527691c04
        repo_type      : binary
        repository     : poudriere
Flat size      : 419KiB
Description    :
Libwww-perl is a collection of Perl modules which provides a simple and
consistent programming interface (API) to the World-Wide Web.  The main
focus of the library is to provide classes and functions that allow you
to write WWW clients, thus libwww-perl said to be a WWW client library.
The library also contain modules that are of more general use.

The main architecture of the library is object oriented.  The user
agent, requests sent and responses received from the WWW server are all
represented by objects.  This makes a simple and powerful interface to
these services.  The interface should be easy to extend and customize
for your needs.

WWW: https://metacpan.org/release/libwww-perl

ler in thebighonker in ~ via ☕ v1.8.0 via 🐪 v5.32.1 via 💎 v3.0.4

❯ cat /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/update-rules.sh
export PATH
case $EXIT in
           kill -1 `cat /var/run/spamd/spamd.pid`;;
        *) ;;

ler in thebighonker in ~ via ☕ v1.8.0 via 🐪 v5.32.1 via 💎 v3.0.4

❯ pkg info spamassassin
zsh: correct 'spamassassin' to '.spamassassin' [nyae]? n
Name           : spamassassin
Version        : 3.4.5
Installed on   : Sun Apr  3 17:05:29 2022 CDT
Origin         : mail/spamassassin
Architecture   : FreeBSD:13:amd64
Prefix         : /usr/local
Categories     : perl5 mail
Licenses       : APACHE20
Maintainer     : zeis...@freebsd.org
WWW            : http://spamassassin.apache.org/
Comment        : Highly efficient mail filter for identifying spam
Options        :
        AS_ROOT        : on
        DCC            : off
        DKIM           : on
        DOCS           : on
        GNUPG          : off
        GNUPG2         : on
        GNUPG_NONE     : off
        MYSQL          : off
        PGSQL          : on
        PYZOR          : off
        RAZOR          : on
        RELAY_COUNTRY  : on
        RLIMIT         : off
        SPF_QUERY      : on
        SSL            : on
Shared Libs required:
Annotations    :
        FreeBSD_version: 1301501
        build_timestamp: 2022-04-02T22:38:31+0000
        built_by       : poudriere-git-
        cpe            : cpe:2.3:a:apache:spamassassin:3.4.5:::::freebsd13:x64
        port_checkout_unclean: no
        port_git_hash  : 819f25b36d45
        ports_top_checkout_unclean: no
        ports_top_git_hash: d0d63dec4011
        repo_type      : binary
        repository     : poudriere
Flat size      : 3.28MiB
Description    :
SpamAssassin is a mail filter which attempts to identify spam using text
analysis and several internet-based realtime blacklists.

Using its rule base, it uses a wide range of heuristic tests on mail
headers and body text to identify "spam", also known as unsolicited
commercial email.

Once identified, the mail can then be optionally tagged as spam for later
filtering using the user's own mail user-agent application.

Additional drop-in rule sets are available at

WWW: http://spamassassin.apache.org/

ler in thebighonker in ~ via ☕ v1.8.0 via 🐪 v5.32.1 via 💎 v3.0.4


Larry Rosenman                     http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
Phone: +1 214-642-9640                 E-Mail: l...@lerctr.org
US Mail: 5708 Sabbia Dr, Round Rock, TX 78665-2106

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