On Sat, 2022-08-13 at 14:05 -0400, joe a wrote:
> To add my comment, returning SPAM, assuming it even reaches the
> original sender, may serve only to assure them of the effectiveness of
> their campaign to reach valid addresses. In effect "helping" them.
Agreed - I've occasionally thought about returning spam, but never found
a good reason to do it. 

Here's my reinforcement for doing nothing: a year or two back, I somehow
got added to some mailing list belonging to a Florida Hospital (as
useless a thing for somebody to do as can be imagined seeing I don't
live in the USA, let alone Florida, so probably a spammer infected their
mailing list or stole their list address). As usual, I added that
address to my personal blacklist: problem solved. 

However, I was feeling helpful that day, so also emailed their 'abuse'
address to let them know they had a problem. Didn't bounce, so they must
have got it. 

Did they do anything? Apparently not. I still get their spam, but at
least my system bins it automatically.    


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