
I switched from 3.4.6 to 4.0.0-rc3 last week and since then I experience unexpected/missing results from meta rules which definitely worked on 3.4.6.

I noticed it especially on one large meta rule which "summarizes" the results using "+", "&&", "||" and ">". Since SA4 did not complain about any meta rule at all I cutted the rule into peaces and found one specific part which made the result of the whole rule "undefined" at any time while the other parts had correct sums.

I was able to reduce this to a test ruleset which fails in the same way...

header __SA4T_NOMATCH Subject =~ /dsfasjdhfkjshfjsdklfhaskf/
meta   __SA4TA1       (((! __SA4T_NOMATCH) || __SPOOFED_URL) && URIBL_SBL )
meta   __SA4TA2       (__SA4TA1 * 3 ) + 1

IMO __SA4TA2 should always be 1 or more (4). But in this case if URIBL_SBL is not hit it is undefined.

I also found that modifying __SA4TA1 to
meta   __SA4TA1       (((! __SA4T_NOMATCH) || __SPOOFED_URL) && __UNDEF )
fails in the same way and __SA4TA2 is always undefined.

In case of URIBL_SBL I don't know why it gets undefined, since other RBLs work in the same place (eg. URIBL_BLACK) as expected and the result is 1.

And another quite simple ruleset...
meta __SA4TA3_1  6
meta __SA4TA3_2  2
meta __SA4TA3    (__SA4TA3_1 > 2) && (__SA4TA3_2 > 1)
doesn't set __SA4TA3. This was working an SA3.4 as well.

Is this wanted behavior or a bug? Since UPGRADE does not contain any information about basic changes for meta rules I assume it is a bug/regression. But if this is wanted how should this be done on SA4?

All tests were done on RHEL8.6 by feeding a real EML file and network tests active. So inherited "net" flags should not be an issue. But I also see no reason why a meta rule that does not exclusively depend on "net" sub rules should inherit this flag? Currently it is propagated if a single sub rule has the flag. Not a big issue on my side since I do not plan to use SA without net rules.

Wolfgang Breyha
Wolfgang Breyha <wbre...@gmx.net> | https://www.blafasel.at/
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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