On Wed, 2022-12-28 at 16:20 +0200, Henrik K wrote:
> Common sense would ask that how is SPF harmful for the user?  One would
> think it would be actually desirable like any other network lookups, that
> user might have accidentally left disabled?  But sure, if this is the Gentoo
> way, so be it.  I had enough of 90's linux flashbacks trying it for the
> first and last time today.  :-)

Well, SPF wasn't nearly as reliable in 2005 as it is now, and it pulls
in an extra dependency.

Probably the best answer is that by having this ability, Gentoo
attracts the sort of user who likes to disable such things to save disk
space, shave off a few CPU cycles, or improve security. And then
there's a feedback loop wherein most of our users want to retain the
ability to control what gets installed/enabled.

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