Matus UHLAR - fantomas skrev den 2023-03-01 09:56:

I hope these senders expire their e-mail 1.5 hours after sending...

facebook can do it in 1.5 sekunds :)

This should be avoidable by using opendkim at SMTP time, and using
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AuthRes plugin in the way that DKIM rules
aren't rechecked if they are

this plugin is ment to be in core dmarc plugin not as a seperate plugin imho, that sayed it need config :)

I have SA 4.0 installed and Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AuthRes available.


However, I don't see AuthRes plugin mention in .pre files nor in SA rules.


I will try to load it to see if it works.

share config if it does

(lets share trustness)

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