> you dont need this

I see, I stand corrected!

> maybe ask how to configure extracttext ?

Sure, I'd be happy to see some examples.  The man page looks pretty
straight forward.

I see it depends on some external tools like tesseract and odt2txt so
I had better install those first.

I have not had good luck with tesseract out of the box, I wonder if
there's some options to tune it to make it work better.  Is there
anything better?

To see how well this is working, I am hoping to be able to see the
output of these tools with -D so I can write some rules.

Similarly, is there a way to see the 'body' text that is fed into the
rules?  I don't see that in the output of -D.  By 'body', I mean the
text with the html cleaned out of it plus the subject line.  I have a
message and I want to write a new body rule, I want to see what
spamassassin is using as the 'body' so I can write the regex.  I don't
see the body text in -D.

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