Hi SA users,

I've FINALLY built up a "corpus" of ham vs spam and also FINALLY had some time to spend on this and just ran sa-learn on, oh, IDK, some 10k email messages or so, I'd guess. And along the way, I NEVER ONCE got the kind of output response back from sa-learn that I expected.

For example, here I run it against a file containing just over 2100 spam:

$ sa-learn -u richard --spam spam
Learned tokens from 0 message(s) (0 message(s) examined)

(I was running it as root - which the docs don't mention but I figure is what I'm supposed to do!)

In the end, I ran it on about four dozen files of ham and about 6 or so files of spam emails, carefully curated. In all these files, I NEVER saw it say it examined more than 1 message and EVERY time it said it examined a message it also said it "learned" 1 token.

Uh... I try not to be stupid; is this normal or am I "doing it wrong!"


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