>     https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6376#section-8.2
> tells us that it is not safe to rely on the DKIM length (l=) tag
> and
>     https://www.zone.eu/blog/2024/05/17/bimi-and-dmarc-cant-save-you/
> shows how it can be used to subvert BIMI*.
> I am looking at extending Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DKIM to indicate
> when a DKIM body signature only covers part of the message body
> and how much of the body is unsigned (bytes, percentage or possibly
> both).
> I am new to the spamassassin code, so any comments or suggetions would be
> welcome.
> * I am not a fan of BIMI, but big name players appear to be using
> it to display "trustable" logos on GUI mail clients, so users *will*
> be caught when it breaks.

Hi Andrew, this is a bit of topic, I posted this a while ago on the mailing 
list. But did you notice by any chance that eg. hotmail.com is failing every 
dkim verification (except their sender rewritten messages)?

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