Until i can come up with a way to not scan some emails selectively using qmail-scanner (without procmail) i have setteled on using the following statements in my local.cf

bayes_ignore_to users@spamassassin.apache.org
whitelist_to users@spamassassin.apache.org

This causes (most) list messages to not be marked as spam and all list messages are ignored by bayes.

It fixes my problem of list messages being autolearned incorrectly, but i'd rather not scan them at all. Someone made a suggestion (and patch) on the qmail scanner mailing list where you can optionally turn SA scanning off using tcp.smtp from certain ip's. I may use this to not pass messages coming from the apache mail server through SA. You may want to check that list out as well.



You can use a patch I wrote yesterday to qmail-scanner-queue.pl http://www.thevolf.com/qmail/qmail-scanner-skip-sa.patch.

Then add:,IGNORE_SA="yes"

Do your tcp.smtp and rebuild the tcp.smtpd.cdb file.

This will cause qmail-scanner to skip SA tests for email originating from the spamassassin mailing list (hermes.apache.org).

Roman Volf
Keystreams Internet Solutions

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