Quoting List Mail User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

        Try a Google search on 88puppydog. com, then look at who owns and
operates it (just "whois") and decide for yourself.

Midphase is bulk hosting provider for both end-users and resellers.  Nothing
more.   A WHOIS on "CoolRunningConcepts.com" will show you the exact same
information, but I can guarantee you that midphase does not own or operate

        Anyway, if they get off of whois.rfc-ignorant.org, then your messages
will go through fine - there is no DNS or HELO issue - just a slimy service
provider issue who decided to turn off their contact line while spamming
mailing lists!

I'll let them know about the issue there, but I still think if your anti-spam
rules think I'm a spammer, then its YOUR rules that are at fault.  Its simply
wrong since my message isn't spam.  Its a false positive.

Second ... Slimy?  I don't know the details of the contact line issue, but I
highly doubt they turned it off so they can send spam.  Midphase is hardly a
spammer - perhaps 88puppydog.com was doing something stupid, but from their
website, it doesn't look like that domain really knew any better.  Looks like
some mom&pop operation to me.  I'm sure if midphase was told what was wrong,
they would have warned the owner of the domain to stop before pulling their
account.  They don't look like a big commercial spam-gang operation to me.

I'm not associated with 88puppydog.com in any way.  Nor am I associated with
midphase.com except that I'm a customer because I can't afford a more expensive
hoster right now.

        So anyway, there is no DNS, HELO, rDNS or related issue here - just
need to clean my fingers after typing midphase. com too many times.

I haven't had too many problems with them considering how cheap they are.

-- Evan

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