Jake Colman wrote:
>>>>>>"CS" == Chris Santerre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    CS> If you are using SA 3.x, support is already included. You simply have
>    CS> to create the config file, restart spamd, and *poof* way less spam.
>    CS> Net::Dns is required. I forget which version. I forget a lot of
>    CS> stuff. What was the question?
> Chris,
> Now I'm confused.  The usage page on the site says to create a simple .cf
> file containing a number of lines.  Is that it?  If I have that .cf file in
> my /etc/mail/spamassassin directory it will all simply work? 
> ...Jake

Jake, that "simple cf file" *should* already included by default with SA 3.0.x.
You really shouldn't have to create a config file, or do anything at all to get
URIBL's going.

http://www.surbl.org/  mentions suggestions about adding rules, but most of the
surbl lists are already built into SA 3.0. The only one that's missing is the JP
list, which came on-line to late to make it into the 3.0 release. Add it if you
want, but do so AFTER you get the built-in ones going.

If the URIBLs aren't going, check these two things:

1) check to make sure you have /etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre. Some
distribution packages left this file out when they converted the tarball (oops)
Without the init.pre, the plugin for URIBL's doesn't get loaded.

It should have this statement in it to support URIBLs:

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL

>  Yes, I have Net::DNS since I am already doing all the other net checks.

2) Just because your copy of Net::DNS works for RBLs does not mean it will work
for the URIBLs. You need a higher version of Net::DNS to support URIBLs than you
need for normal net checks.

Check spamassassin --lint -D to see if it's complaining about the version of

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