> I consider myself a "weekend" spam assassin.  I run my own
> server (co-located), and have about a dozen users (mostly
> friends and family, but a few paying customers).  But running
> a mail server isn't my day job.  I don't run Razor or any of
> the cooperative spam filters simply because I didn't have the
> time to figure them out and set them up.
> I'm running Spamassassin 3.0.2 which I installed a few months ago.
> SA is still only catching about 50-75% of the spam.  I've set
> up Bayes learn ham/spam mailboxes, and I regularly feed them
> 200 to 500 messages a day.  Yet even after months of
> training, I still get messages like this:
>     Subject: (6/10/05) Mortgage Rate Report
>     X-Spam-Status: No, score=3.6 required=7.0
> tests=BAYES_99,HTML_80_90,
>         OPTING_OUT autolearn=no version=3.0.2
> As you can see, the Bayes filter has nailed it as spam, but
> it still only gets a score of 3.6.
> I currently have my threshold set to 7.0.  I've been
> considering lowering it again (maybe to 5.0), but am paranoid
> about false positives.  I can go through my mailbox and see
> ham that has scores of 3 or even 4.
> I was hoping that someone here could give me some quick
> advice as to what I might be doing wrong, or point me to a
> trouble-shooting site for SA.
> I was previously using a client-side Bayes filtering system
> and was getting 99.8+% spam identification rates.  SA has
> been, so far, a bit of a disappointment and I'm sure it's my
> fault.  :)

Running SpamAssassin is more of an art than a science. You'll probably
catch more spam by picking up most of the rules at:


Bayes isn't scored terribly high in the default rule scorings. If you're
diligently training bayes, you might find that increasing the score in
local.cf would help you:

For example:

Score bayes_99 4.0

I run a mail server for a non-profit, so I don't get to spend too much
time on it. With SA 2.5x and 2.6x we used a threshhold of 8 to drop
spam. With SA 3.x, I had to lower the threshhold to 4 to catch the same
amount of spam. It's fairly rare that we have FPs even at 4.



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