Paul R. Ganci wrote:
This is somewhat a philosophical question, but I will ask it anyways. Recent discussions have occurred on this list regarding what Spamassassin should do with Spam. The recent consensus seems to be that it is only Spamassassin's job to tag Spam and that some other program should decide what to do about it. I can accept this argument especially in regard to the old "spam_action" config option especially when set to "delete".

However, I have a user who raises a good point. He has a blacklist in his user_prefs. Spamassassin processes his Email message and indeed finds this blacklisted message as USER_IN_BLACKLIST shows up in the header. In addition lots of other processing occurs before the final score of 99 is tallied. His question is simply this: "Why does this message show up in his box at all?" His point being the message was blacklisted. Why is it not a good idea for Spamassassin to immediately send to /dev/null a message flagged in somebody's blacklist ASAP ... i.e. no further processing? Is the only way to handle this via a procmail recipe? Similar what about a whitelist ... shouldn't it be sent on as Ham ASAP ... i.e. a minimal of processing? How do others handle these cases?


here's my take on it. keep in mind i'm in no way affiliated with the developers, it's just my opinion as a mail system administrator and SpamAssassin user.

for one thing, SA has been designed for specific reasons *not* to process the mail, but only to add headers as necessary. One of these reasons is that SA can remain extremely versatile in this configuration.

for instance, I use SpamAssassin via a call from MIMEDefang which runs as a Sendmail Milter. Others may call spamassassin/spamc from procmail, others may integrate with qmail-scanner or amavis-new (neither of which am I familiar with, but they get quite a bit of mention on this and other lists)

For SpamAssassin to be able to do SMTP level rejections, it would have to *always* be integrated into the MTA. Granted there are tools to allow the integration of SA into the MTA, but they are designed and supported by third parties (and in my opinion, rightfully so).

Philosophically, it makes more sense for SpamAssassin to focus on identifying SPAM, and let another application (MTA, procmail, etc) focus on what it was primarily designed for: processing (delivery,rejection,etc) of said email. It's certainly no more of a hassle to add a procmail rule to dump a blacklist hit to /dev/null than it is to add a procmail rule for other delivery options.

There may be cases where it would be very inappropriate for *any* mail, blacklisted or not, to be dumped to /dev/null. having SA have to account for all possible handlings of blacklisted mail would add more bloat and logic requirements to the code which, in my opinion, aren't necessary.

When you're dealing with mail delivery, you have to account for local delivery inconsistencies, whether the mail will be delivered to a remote machine anyways, etc. again, these types of situations make it more appropriate for applications written specifically to handle them than to try to add them to SA and pull the focus away from identifying SPAM to delivering mail.

just my $.02 worth.


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