From: "Herb Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Debbie D
> > 
> > I often want to alter the scores of already set filters in 
> > the SARE and other custom filter sets.. what/where is the 
> > proper places to do this without altering each individual set 
> > which will get over-written down the road
> Two good ways (there may be others):
> Put the overrides in your
> OR
> Put them in a .cf file in the same directory with,
> and with a later alphabetical listing, than the other 
> SARE, etc files so that the scores must follow the setup 
> and defaults.
>   For me this is /usr/share/spamassassin
> ...and should work well.
> You could also use different file for each "SARE" or other
> custom file, just ensure it gets a "higher" (later) alphabetical
> name, so could be rescored in 
> or just
> The main (included) spamassassin scores are in the
> file so that is follows after the 10-40xxx default test files.

No to both of them, Herb.

Place them into the /etc/mail/spamassassin (or /etc/spamassassin depending
on where the file is.) Make a new file and put them into that
file. It's cleaner than getting all cluttered.

Never place new scores or rules into the /usr/share/spamassassin
directory. They WILL get deleted or replaced when you update. You are
better off to simply override the /usr/share/spamassassin scores in a
new rules file in the same directory with the file. (That is
also where you want to install your SARE rules. And you DO want a
bundle of them, likely as not. (The set I use dramatically improve
the falses from a bare fresh install.) These are found at several
locations listed in the spamassassin wiki. The basic SARE rules site
is is another good
site to visit for rules. has some
nice HOW-TO links that will help.

{^_^}   Joanne

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