
Thanks.. I just wanted to also verify the format of the over rides..

For instance.. if this is the rule I want to override:

header   SARE_ADLTSUB6 Subject =~ /(?!\bfuck)\bf.?u.?c.?k/i
describe SARE_ADLTSUB6 Apparent spam seems to contain porn subject
score    SARE_ADLTSUB6 3.500  # type=obfu

I simply add to my custom or create a new custom lets say called:

score    SARE_ADLTSUB6 8.500  # type=obfu

is that correct??  Just a list of the altered scores??

>From your response I take it that SA will assign the highest found score?? 
Not: run thru the sets in order assigning the last found score?


"jdow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> From: "Herb Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Debbie D
>> >
>> > I often want to alter the scores of already set filters in
>> > the SARE and other custom filter sets.. what/where is the
>> > proper places to do this without altering each individual set
>> > which will get over-written down the road
>> Two good ways (there may be others):
>> Put the overrides in your local.cf
>> OR
>> Put them in a .cf file in the same directory with,
>> and with a later alphabetical listing, than the other
>> SARE, etc files so that the scores must follow the setup
>> and defaults.
>>   For me this is /usr/share/spamassassin
>> ...and zzz-myscores.cf should work well.
>> You could also use different file for each "SARE" or other
>> custom file, just ensure it gets a "higher" (later) alphabetical
>> name, so 70_sare_unsub.cf could be rescored in
>> 70_sare_unsub_scores.cf or just 71_sare_unsub.cf
>> The main (included) spamassassin scores are in the 50xxxx.cf
>> file so that is follows after the 10-40xxx default test files.
> No to both of them, Herb.
> Place them into the /etc/mail/spamassassin (or /etc/spamassassin depending
> on where the local.cf file is.) Make a new file and put them into that
> file. It's cleaner than getting local.cf all cluttered.
> Never place new scores or rules into the /usr/share/spamassassin
> directory. They WILL get deleted or replaced when you update. You are
> better off to simply override the /usr/share/spamassassin scores in a
> new rules file in the same directory with the local.cf file. (That is
> also where you want to install your SARE rules. And you DO want a
> bundle of them, likely as not. (The set I use dramatically improve
> the falses from a bare fresh install.) These are found at several
> locations listed in the spamassassin wiki. The basic SARE rules site
> is http://www.rulesemporium.com/. http://www.exit0.us is another good
> site to visit for rules. http://www.rulesemporium.com/links.htm has some
> nice HOW-TO links that will help.
> {^_^}   Joanne

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