On Fri, Aug 05, 2005 at 03:09:50PM -0400, Matthew Yette wrote:
> Does anyone know how I would create a rule that detected any subject
> lines that start with a whitespace? For example:
> Subject: " This would be tagged as spam"

By convention, all subjects start with whitespace.
"Subject: Re: Rule for ..." starts with a space, for example.

In your example, the subject starts with a double-quote, which
isn't whitespace.  If you are looking for a subject that starts with
non-alphanumeric characters, you could just do:

header T_FOO Subject =~ /^\s?\W/

Or something.

Randomly Generated Tagline:
"This is turning into one very sexy struggle for the human race."
  -Zapp Brannigan 

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