--On Friday, August 05, 2005 6:03 PM -0700 Loren Wilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think a lot of mail/news programs assume that the subject body starts
immediately after "Subject: ", unless the character immediately after the
colon isn't a space, in which case the subject starts there.

However, some software treats runs of whitespace as a single space. For instance, the Dovecot IMAP server collapses multiple spaces when returning a list of subjects, and this screws up sorting of subjects if you're using space-padding in the spam score prefixed to the SA report subject line, like "(Spam: 5.0)", which might sort after "(Spam: 10.0)" after the extra space is squeezed out. For that reason I use zero-padding in my SA config. Note that squeezing out excess spaces is permitted in the IMAP standard, so Dovecot is staying within the standard doing this.

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