Rob McEwen wrote:
When is Bulk "Bulk"?

<<jdow: Regardless of legal definitions I capture it as spam and
treat it as spam. If such a letter gets through it's address gets
added to my blacklist. I do not see the Internet as an advertising
medium with me forced to sit and read it or worse to business with
those who "cold email" me. I treat cold telephone calls the same
way. I treat junk email the same way. If they are lucky it goes
into the bin directly. If they are not lucky they get permanently
blacklisted and I refuse to do business with them. (Cold callers
also get words about crawling through the telephone and ripping
their throats out. That seems to have a funny effect on some of
the cold callers - from India I suspect. I figure I might as well
get some amusement when they've interrupted my concentration.)


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