From: "Thomas Deliduka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I couldn't find an answer to this in the archives. My apologies if this is

I ran a test on a spam (spamassassin -t <spam>) and within the rules that
matched it outputted these:

0.6 URIBL_SBL              Contains an URL listed in the SBL blocklist
3.9 URIBL_SC_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the SC SURBL blocklist 2.0 URIBL_OB_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the OB SURBL blocklist 0.5 URIBL_WS_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the WS SURBL blocklist 2.0 URIBL_AB_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the AB SURBL blocklist 1.5 URIBL_JP_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the JP SURBL blocklist

However, the mail server when using amavisd-new checks spam, it never checks
against this SURBL blocklist. I see in init.pre this line:

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL

Which I think is related. But in either case. Why would it check within the
testing system but not when the actual program checks? Is there a way to
enable it?

I don't know about amavisd-new from shucked corn; but, I understand it
runs its own daemonized spamassassin. If so then you may have to restart
it. With spamd you certainly have to restart the daemon to get it to
read changes to the configuration files, with the exception of the
user's configuration files.


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