On Thu, 8 Dec 2005 03:34:44 -0800, you wrote:

>score ALL_TRUSTED 0
>This is simply masking the problem, not setting trusted_networks correctly.
>And it is only masking the obvious problem - there are inobvious problems
>that will still score incorrectly.
>If you remove that line and start seeing ALL_TRUSTED hits where you don't
>think they should be, then you need to set trusted_networks correctly.  If
>you remove that line and only see TRUSTED_NETWORKS hit where they should,
>you are better off.  :-)
>        Loren

Even with TRUSTED_NETWORKS set, the RCVD_IN_SORBS_DUL rule is
triggered. I don't see how this is correct, when the IP address that
triggered it was not the last hop. This rule should only be triggered
when "sent directly from dynamic IP address"

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