On Dec 15, 2005, at 4:50 PM, Matt Kettler wrote:
SpamAssassin tools in general default to creating bayes and AWL directories
relative to the current user's homedir.

I think this is a bug in SpamAssassin 3.1.0, because it didn't try to create these directories in 3.0.4, and nothing I do in 3.1.0 seems to dissuade it from trying. I'll go ahead and file a bug on this.

The best way to prevent it by specifying a non-root user that has a real home
dir using the -u parameter to spamd.

Again - 3.0.4 didn't require that the user have a home directory. If this is an intentional change in 3.1.0, then it should be documented.

The other way is to do these things:
Stop spamd from creating a user_prefs with the -c option.

Actually, the -c option tells it to create user_prefs; when that option isn't present, the documentation says it defaults to not creating them.

Disable bayes OR use SQL bayesstore OR set bayes_path to someplace not relative
to the homedir.

I disabled bayes, but it still tries to create something in the user's home dir.

Disable the AWL OR use SQL OR set auto_whitelist_path/ auto_whitelist_file_mode
in a similar fashion to bayes.

I also disabled AWL (commented it out from v310.pre), but still, same errors.

Thanks for the information - you covered all my bases; I'm sure now that I'm not doing anything wrong, and that this is a problem in SA 3.1.0.

  - B

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