On Fri, 2005-12-16 at 09:28 -0500, Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:
> David Hollis wrote:
> > I'm running Spamassassin via amavisd-new on my postfix MTA.  I have
> > users that are using Verizon Aircards at times to connect and some of
> > those IPs are now starting to show up in RBLs, leaving them unable to
> > send email without it bouncing as spam.  All users sending email
> > authenticate via SASL so it seems if there is a way I can whitelist them
> > or reduce their score from the outset if they are authenticated, I can
> > resolve this issue.  Question is, can I do that and if so, how?  I
> > really don't want to whitelist @domain.com since that will render
> > spamassassin pretty close to useless for us of course.
> > 
> > Suggestions?
> http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/DynablockIssues
> I believe there's a patch to add the required tokens to Postfix, but I 
> can't remember for sure where it is or who wrote it at the moment.  The 
> name Erwin Hoffmann comes to mind though.

Great.... Postfix 2.3 has a new config option to add the "Authenticated"
header which I can have Spamassassin key off of... Unfortunately, I'm
still on 2.2!  I may need to try and dig up that patch in the meantime.

David Hollis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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