Thanks for the responses! I went ahead and added the trusted_networks for
the server ip.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bowie Bailey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 9:52 AM
Subject: RE: AWL and trusted_networks

Robert Bartlett wrote:
> Turned on/enabled, sorry for wrong choice of words.

Try "Configured" :)

> Actually I got this advice from this very same list, noone seemed to 
> respond to the advice given in a bad way so I went ahead and did it.

Interesting.  That particular piece of bad advise shows up fairly regularly
on this list and is usually squashed quite promptly by two or three people.

> Knowing what you told me now what would be the proper setup for my 
> server? Its just a single server that runs SA for hosted domains. Do I 
> just add the ip address of the local server and that's all?

If this is your only mailserver, you can probably just add an entry for


Alternately, you could specify your entire subnet so that you won't have to
make changes later if you add an extra server somewhere.

    trusted_networks 192.168.1.


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