Heute (12.01.2006/20:04 Uhr) schrieb Matt Kettler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),

> The AWL can be poisoned by a slightly clever spammer, but at best this gets 
> them
> a "half off your score" for the real spam. For this reason, I keep it 
> disabled.

> Bayes autolearning can be very useful, but I'd suggest adjusting the ham
> learning threshold. The default of 0.5 is too high for my liking and can
> sometimes cause problems.

how can I change the defaults of learning threshold? I use SA V

>  I run mine at -0.01 and have added a bunch of simple
> rules with small negative scores (-0.01 to -0.1) such that common business
> related ham messages will get autolearned.

> That said, several people like Justin Mason run the bayes system on 
> autolearning
> only with the default settings and have no problems. Really most of the sites
> I've seen where the autolearner went awry started off with no manual training.
> While most of the time this goes OK, sometimes the bayes DB can start off on 
> the
> wrong foot due to some low-scoring spam. It seems that this is the biggest 
> risk
> of the bayes autolearner.

Viele Gruesse, Kind regards,
 Jim Knuth
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