Mike Jackson wrote:
Matthew van Eerde wrote:
Kristopher Austin wrote:
RANK    RULE NAME                     COUNT %OFRULES %OFMAIL
   ------------------------------------------------------------ 1
HTML_MESSAGE                  45870     5.13   27.72   70.37

Wait... so 27% of all mail is HTML, 70% of spam is HTML, and 55% of
ham is HTML?

That seems consistent with my numbers too. People like their pretty

Maybe you'd better check your numbers again. :) I'm trying to point out that these numbers imply a massive amount of "dark matter" email that is neither spam, ham, nor HTML.

I'm guessing this is due to MAIL FROM commands that end up with all their corresponding RCPT TO commands rejected. These would not result in a DATA so there's nothing to spam-scan. If these are counted in %ofmail, but not in %ofspam or %ofham, that would explain the apparent discrepancy.

They are not designed to add up the way you are thinking. The original tool
tried to make them add up and the report gave you a screwed up impression
of how well SpamAssassin was doing.

(Of course, it will add up if the number of spams and number of hams happens
to be the same on your system.)


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