From: "Jeff Chan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Friday, February 17, 2006, 7:19:50 AM, Matt Kettler wrote:
Jeff Chan wrote:
On Thursday, February 16, 2006, 9:13:36 PM, Matt Kettler wrote:
I'm only presenting evidence of accuracy problems in relation to why the
URIBLs collectively wield a great deal of power in SpamAssassin scoring.
I'm not really complaining about, I'm complaining about URIBLs
as a whole. That's both and surbl. Whenever I use the term
URIBL in all caps, I mean all URI dns-based blacklists. If you prefer,
I'll retract my example, and point out that less than an hour
later, I got a FP.

There may be some value in not lumping together and lists.  As you can see the performance of the lists are
different, and the way they're created is different too.  That
makes it harder for us to respond to comments that seem to not
take those differences into account.
Did you see Theo's test data from yesterday?

Yes.  I was referring lumping with mostly.

 35.418  41.1930   0.0000    1.000   0.90    0.00  URIBL_JP_SURBL
 34.665  40.3177   0.0000    1.000   0.88    0.00  URIBL_SC_SURBL
 26.069  30.3204   0.0000    1.000   0.80    0.00  URIBL_AB_SURBL
 28.024  32.5464   0.2915    0.991   0.61    0.00  URIBL_OB_SURBL
 48.113  55.7492   1.2873    0.977   0.55    0.00  URIBL_BLACK
  0.293   0.3406   0.0000    1.000   0.47    0.00  URIBL_PH_SURBL
  0.000   0.0000   0.0000    0.500   0.42    0.00  URIBL_RED
  0.000   0.0000   0.0000    0.500   0.42    0.01  T_URIBL_XS_SURBL
 37.539  42.4763   7.2626    0.854   0.38    0.00  URIBL_WS_SURBL
  0.548   0.3446   1.7974    0.161   0.03    0.00  URIBL_GREY

I consider that "highly similar" for JP, SC, AB, OB and WS.

As similar as 30 and 40, and 0, .3 and 7 are, I suppose.

Heh, yeah...

On another paw how "independent" are these lists? Do any inherit from other
lists or are they all separately maintained?

It may be that the right way to use these lists for some circumstances
is to have meta rules that add points to lowered scores when more than
two and more than three BLs all hit together.


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