Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:
> Ther eis really LOW feed on the webforms. And indeed, all is manually
> checked there so i dont see a the point. To take the discussion
> elewhere, why not rescore Spamcop, Spamhaus ect ect ect also. I also
> see zombie stuff appearing in more then 1 list.
Going *ALL* the way back to the top of the thread, and back to my
ORIGINAL post that started this:

The conventional RBLS all have much lower scores than the URIBLs. It
takes the top 5 RBLs to match the score of the top 3 surbl.org lists.
For this reason Multi-listing in multiple RBLs rarely causes as hefty a
score problem as URIBLs. I'd be very happy if the URIBL scores were more
similar to the RBL scores.

While multi-listing is somewhat common in RBLs, it's the vast majority
of cases in URIBLs. Over 50% of my mail that hits any surbl.org lists
hits 3 or more of them.

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